How you’ll feel

fueled. stronger. validated. less confused.

confident in your dietary choices.


Reminder - help.png

No deprivation!

“Just wanted to email to say thank you so much for your amazing meal plan! I truly enjoyed the last four weeks and I am excited to continue eating exactly like this and lose even more weight. I am not feeling deprived in the least…so it will be easy to keep going. Most importantly, I am happy to note that my heart rate and blood pressure have both gone down, I have a lot more energy for workouts, my skin is clearer and I sleep a lot better as well”.

improved blood sugars & potassium!

“Some great news! A1c fell from 6.1% to 5.3% and potassium fell from 5.7 to 4.4. THANK you sooo much for your guidance. Your advice really helped. I will keep on track”.

reduced medications!

“Happy New Year Victoria! Just wanted to update you that I am 30 lbs. lighter, less stressed, fitter and my blood sugar has dropped from 6.6 in Sept. to 5.4 now. Meds reduced and in 3 mos. should be off altogether. You are the one I need to thank for starting me on my journey to reclaim my health”.

improved blood sugars & triglycerides!

Hi! Wanted to update you on my new labs :) My A1c went down :) and even my Trigs fell from 2.03 to 1.5!”

improved cholesterol & blood sugars!

“Hi Victoria, I went to have my cholesterol and blood sugar checked this morning. The numbers were all good! I felt I wanted to share this info with you as you were instrumental in the results!”


Our sessions will be…



There is no one-size-fits-all approach for nutrition. You deserve better than a “cookie-cutter” methodology.


What are YOU hoping to achieve? This is not about societal norms and pressures, but about combining scientific evidence with YOUR personal goals.


It may sound cliché, but I am passionate about helping you change your lifestyle - I am not here to suggest a temporary “diet”.
